PS ★ Breeding - Home






Yes, you've come to the right place!. In this chatroom you can learn, talk and discover about anything that involves with Pokémon Breeding: Individual Values, Poke Ball inheritance, Masuda Method, Hidden Power breeding, EV Training, Egg moves available on certain Pokémon... the list goes on. Participate in Contests, talk about your current project, share tips, ask for a breeding suggestion and, why not? brag about a recent hatch you are so proud of!.

New to breeding? Don't worry, that's what we and the community are here for.


  1. Trades are not handled here. Don't make "FT" and "LF" posts. There's a separate room with that sole purpose.
  2. Avoid spamming of any type (flooding, format and /me abuse, spoilers...).
  3. When starting a topic, keep it appropriate: it must be breeding-related of course, or, under Staff's approval, a Pokemon-related discussion alone.
  4. Be respectful to others.
  5. If you have any questions about the room or need help, contact a Room Voice (+) or above.
  6. Was your mute unfair? boTTT was being dumb? Send a Private Message to a Driver (%) or above.

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PS ★ Breeding